Nano engineering

Reaction Sites

Making hydrogen gas at a successful scale via electrolysis necessitates
looking at sub-micron scale and giving the reaction the best possible
surface and area to carry itself out in. Within Aqsorption’s electrolysers
the surface of the electrodes are modified in several ways to aid formation
of gas and help with self-regulation at the system level.

Unique NanoCoats

Nano-coating and altering the composition of the active reaction sites
have provided Aqsorption’s team with a suite of options to maximise
yield and production efficiencies and that best suit the gas collection and
usage downstream of the production site.

Endless Applications

Nano-coating and altering the composition of the active reaction sites
have provided Aqsorption’s team with a suite of options to maximise
yield and production efficiencies and that best suit the gas collection and
usage downstream of the production site.

Moorfield Nanotech Soft Etching System

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LBM at UoM

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Flake Prep NGI at UoM

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